
For Survivors

Sexual assault affects all of us. People of all genders, sexual orientations, racial and ethnic backgrounds, abilities, and classes can experience sexual violence or know someone who has experienced sexual violence in their life. The You Have the Right Campaign aims to provide you with information on the rights and options available to you after a sexual assault experience in the State of Colorado. You are not alone and there are resources and laws to support you.

Knowing what to do in the hours, days, weeks, or years after you have survived sexual assault can be extremely challenging. It can be very confusing and overwhelming to think about what you want or need. You may have lots of questions and might not know where to turn.

This websites covers your options and concerns you might have like costs and privacy. It will lay out your options for getting medical care and collecting possible forensic (DNA) evidence, reporting to police, and covering costs for these options. We know speaking to the police and healthcare costs can be real concerns. That is why Colorado offers survivors three different options for medical forensic care and options to report to police. In one option, you can choose to be 100% anonymous and still get medical forensic care and evidence collection. Click on this link to see more about your options.

This website also includes a section for your friends, family members, and loved ones to help in understanding survivor options and rights. Deciding whether to share your experience with others can be scary. These pages offer you, your friends, family members, and loved ones some resources so you can all be educated about options available in Colorado. Our resource map is a searchable database of sexual assault support resources and medical programs where trained professionals can help you figure out your next steps. We encourage you to take a look and locate a supportive service near you.

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